Welcome to the web site of the company Petr Zetek – moving & real estate for Valachien region. Our company deals with moving and transport service for individuals as well as large companies, offering non-stop complex services. Furthermore, we can arrange sale, purchase and rentals of real estate, especially in the area of Rožnov p. R., Valašské Meziříčí, Nový Jičín and Frenštát p. R.
Our offer:
• Comprehensive removal services to homes, businesses and government
• Incineration of (estate, cellars, land)
• Furniture assembly and disassembly
• Garbage disposal
• Handling with safes
• Burden handling (up to 500 kg)
• A long term rental of storage ground
• Company insurance a Trade Certificate page 1, page 2
Moving company
Stěhování Valašsko
Bc. Petr Zetek (jednatel)
Pivovarská 30
Rožnov pod Radhoštěm 75661
+420 777005247
www.stehovani-valassko.cz designed by MK